[Lazarus] lazarus unit test failures: 198 out of 257 fail

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 16:19:19 CEST 2010

Op 2010-10-19 15:43, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho het geskryf:
> It seams that a lot of tests fail compiling, but they compile fine
> with Lazarus. I haven't yet found where the code to compile them is.

Here some compile and some don't....

> About the crash, the code to save the XML is trivial:

Crash report output... again, using FPC 2.4.2rc1 and Lazarus 0.9.29 from
snapshot setup that Vincent released yesterday.

TApplication.HandleException Stream write error
  Stack trace:
  $00599BEF  TSYNEDITFILER__DESTROY,  line 110 of syneditlines.pas
  $004E0004  TCONTROL__CLICK,  line 2251 of ./include/control.inc
  $00505AA1  TTOOLBUTTON__CLICK,  line 764 of ./include/toolbutton.inc
  $00504130  TTOOLBUTTON__MOUSEUP,  line 136 of ./include/toolbutton.inc
  $004DF230  TCONTROL__DOMOUSEUP,  line 1682 of ./include/control.inc
  $004DFD8D  TCONTROL__WMLBUTTONUP,  line 2148 of ./include/control.inc
  $004DE188  TCONTROL__PERFORM,  line 1025 of ./include/control.inc
  $004D4922  TWINCONTROL__ISCONTROLMOUSEMSG,  line 4596 of
  $004D5A1C  TWINCONTROL__WNDPROC,  line 5172 of ./include/wincontrol.inc
  $0053B387  DELIVERMESSAGE,  line 110 of lclmessageglue.pas
  $004F66FD  WINDOWPROC,  line 2422 of win32callback.inc
WARNING: TLCLComponent.Destroy with LCLRefCount>0. Hint: Maybe the component is
processing an event?
Heap dump by heaptrc unit
64131171 memory blocks allocated : 1807559396/2065182128
64131159 memory blocks freed     : 1807542593/2065165304
12 unfreed memory blocks : 16803
True heap size : 1179648 (96 used in System startup)
True free heap : 1289456
Should be : 1161960
Call trace for block $02692438 size 108
Call trace for block $03096968 size 28
Call trace for block $026353C8 size 64
Call trace for block $030E7EF0 size 24
Call trace for block $030E8070 size 12
Call trace for block $02635BA8 size 64
Call trace for block $0310B178 size 24
Call trace for block $0310A998 size 12
Call trace for block $03108718 size 12
Call trace for block $032F4610 size 16384
Call trace for block $032C44C8 size 24
Call trace for block $032CD240 size 47



  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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