[Lazarus] object type: strange behaviour

Birger Jansen birger at cnoc.nl
Fri Oct 22 10:19:46 CEST 2010

Op 2010-10-21 19:34, Martin het geskryf:
> Well I didn't invent it, so I don't know it's original intend.
> But tabs (or rather the tab key, producing a sequence of spaces) are not 
> only used for indent (as in indent at the start of line)

This brings me to my next question (see the fpc-devel mailing list too). If
my source code only contains tab( #09) characters, and not spaces, it
results in a much smaller file size. Does that also translate to FPC being
able to parse that source code faster (less characters to parse), and does
that also translate to the SynEdit component working faster (again, less
characters to process)?

Some form of speed test to compare the difference should be interesting. :-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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