[Lazarus] Release schedule and policy

Florian Klämpfl florian at freepascal.org
Mon Oct 25 19:01:23 CEST 2010

Am 25.10.2010 17:27, schrieb Alexander Klenin:
>> Really? What do you miss in the compiler testsuite?
> First of all, I miss structure ;-)
> Is there any way to check if some feature is covered by a test?

I'am not aware of any query language which could cover this.

> For example, I would like to know if there is a test
> covering object initialization bug discussed yesterday --
> how do I proceed?

With some brain: a quick browsing of the failures on the primary
platforms shows that there is apparently no failing test regarding this.
Conclusion: it is no covered.

> Secondly, it seems that some tests are under-checking,
> especially those in tbs and tbf directories.
> tbf test check only the fact that compiler fails,
> not caring if it fails with the correct error message.

Nice theory but 15 years of production compiler showed that regressions
regarding wrong error messages are no problem.

> Even worse, tbs tests check only that the compilation
> succeeds, not caring if it produces correct result.

Maybe you should really run a
grep -i halt
in the tbs dir and think and conclude and stop spreading FUD.

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