[Lazarus] Release schedule and policy

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 23:06:34 CEST 2010

On 27 October 2010 18:37, Joost van der Sluis  wrote:
> You missed the difference between gdb and archer. The archer project is
> a sort of a fork of gdb. (Although the goal is to merge the changes back
> to gdb)

My apologies, it did miss that. I used my web browser to browse
sourceware.org domain, and clicked through to the GDB repository to
browse it online. That's when I saw the reference to a git mirror, but
CVS as main repository.

> Point is that with all those branches, it's really hard to track things
> and to combine all things you need.

And coming from my side with limited C knowledge and no knowledge at
all about the GDB project or debugger internals, it would be even
harder to know what does what. So I'll leave GDB development to the
GDB/Archer team or other C experts.

I took a quick peek at the code, randomly clicking a source unit here
and there.... Man am I glad I use Object Pascal and OOP. Procedural
code (and C on top of that) just looks to alien for me. [screw what
Linus might have to say - somebody quoted a post of his about C and
procedural coding a few days back]

  - Graeme -

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