[Lazarus] RichMemo 1.0.0 is broken. "Error moving component" error when creating component at design time.
Peter E Williams
foss.game.pascal.developer at iinet.net.au
Sat Sep 4 13:25:13 CEST 2010
Hi All,
On Fri, 2010-09-03 at 06:57 +1000, Peter E Williams wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am porting some code from Delphi to lazarus and I needed to change a
> Trichedit to a Tmemo. Now the code
This microsoft page:
gives the details of how it works for TRichEdits under MS Windows. All I
am trying to do is add this functionality to TMemo under Lazarus. Can
someone please help me with some code to do this?!?
// originally with RichEdit1 do
> with Memo2 do
> Perform(EM_LINESCROLL, 0, Memo_lines_added);
> does not work. It is supposed to scroll the TMemo to the bottom of the
> window. I tried to use TRichView but it won't even display lines e.g.
> Richview1.lines.add( 'hello' ) does not work!!!
> var
> Memo_lines.added : integer;
> procedure Tform2.SnipMemoText(var Memo2 : tMemo; MaxSize : integer);
// originally var RichEdit2 : TRichEdit
> var
> i : integer;
> begin
> // make it faster with BeginUpdate / EndUpdate {delete excess lines}
> Memo2.Lines.BeginUpdate;
> for i := 0 to Memo2.Lines.Count - MaxSize - 1 do
> Memo2.Lines.Delete(0);
> Memo2.Lines.EndUpDate;
> with Memo2 do
> Perform(EM_LINESCROLL, 0, Memo_lines_added);
> Memo_lines_added := 0;
> end; { SnipMemoText }
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