[Lazarus] bugtracker -> roadmap inconsistency?

Bernd Kreuss prof7bit at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 6 13:04:26 CEST 2010

On 6 September 2010 02:31, Dimitri Smits wrote:
> you've got to love the IDE experts like GExperts in Delphi. There you define your form as you want it to be through the editor and then "export to code". In other words, a kind of "dfm"-writer that writes creation-initialization code in objpas/fpc-code to the clipboard.

You can always port that to Lazarus, just like I have done for a few
other GExperts features. Then again, manually translating a dfm/lfm to
code is a rather simple task, so I don't really know if it's worth the
effort writing a tool to do that.

Long before GExperts I often used to select components in Delphi's
form designed. Copy to clipboard, and paste in code - especially data
aware components. Then translated them to Object Pascal code. The task
was very easy.

lfm code (copied to clipboard from form designer)
object Button1: TButton
  Left = 54
  Height = 25
  Top = 27
  Width = 75
  Caption = 'Hello'
  TabOrder = 0
object Edit1: TEdit
  Left = 56
  Height = 25
  Top = 64
  Width = 80
  TabOrder = 1
  Text = 'Edit1'

...now translated to Object Pascal code...

Button1 := TButton.Create(self);
with Button1 do
  Left := 54;
  Height := 25;
  Top := 27;
  Width := 75;
  Caption := 'Hello';
  TabOrder := 0;

Edit1 := TEdit.Create(self);
with Edit1 do
  Left := 56;
  Height := 25;
  Top := 64;
  Width := 80;
  TabOrder := 1;
  Text := 'Edit1';

See, near identical. A quick regex search and replace is all that is required.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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