[Lazarus] TStringList : how should it behave on Delimiter = ' ' ?
Bogusław Brandys
brandys at o2.pl
Wed Sep 8 13:41:02 CEST 2010
W dniu 2010-09-08 12:03, Lukasz Sokol pisze:
> On 07/09/2010 18:20, Vincent Snijders wrote:
>> 2010/9/7 Lukasz Sokol<el.es.cr at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Group,
>>> How should the TStringList behave when
>>> Delimiter := ' ';
>>> QuoteChar := '"';
>>> ?
>>> On my
>>> Lazarus r22279 FPC 2.2.4 i386-win32-win32/win64
>>> when reading a line like this
>>> Sep 3 16:27:32 router_ip src="internal IP:46987" dst="external_ip:64880" msg="Traffic Log" note="Traffic Log" devID="0019CBDF94A3" cat="Traffic Log" duration=300 send=168 rcvd=48 dir="LAN:WAN" protoID=17 proto="others" trans="Normal"
>>> {the above should be one line}
>>> I will obviously get the date split in 3 different Strings[],
>>> !but! it also splits the 'msg="Traffic' and 'Log"' - is this correct ?
>> Maybe StrictDelimiter is true?
>> http://www.freepascal.org/docs-html/rtl/classes/tstrings.strictdelimiter.html
>> Vincent
> No, after forcing it to false, it still behaves the same (splits 'msg="Traffic' and 'Log"').
> I know this is possibly a corner case, when Delimiter = ' '; but there seems something
> wrong with the logic in SetDelimitedText... ? (stringl.inc)
> It fails on things like 'msg="Traffic Log"'... because it does not understand that a string
> can be composed of plain and quoted part and should then be treated as one:
> // next string is not quoted
> j:=i;
> while (j<=length(AValue)) and
> (Ord(AValue[j])>Ord(' ')) and
> (AValue[j]<>FDelimiter) do inc(j);
> Add( Copy(AValue,i,j-i));
> i:=j;
> maybe could become
> while (j<=length(AValue)) do
> begin
> // we might find QuoteChar in string that begins unquoted
> if (AValue[j]<>FDelimiter) then inc(j)
> else
> if (AValue[j]=FQuoteChar) then
> begin
> repeat
> inc(j); // carry on until you find another quote, regardless of what is quoted
> until (AValue[j]=FQuoteChar) or (j=length(AValue));
> end
> else
> // do we really have to have a special case for ' ' ? for backward compatibility maybe
> // but then be it lower priority than quotechar and delimiter
> if (Ord(AValue[j])>Ord(' ')) then inc(j)
> else break;
> end;
> This should be enough to support 'name="some value"' separated by spaces... and also
> "some name"="some value" too... - comments ?
> (the if...then...else...if maybe isn't optimal, but shows the idea)
> HTH,
> Lukasz
I think TStringList expects at this situation items like "msg=Traffic
Log". What you need is extended list with support to Keyword=Value for
example having property Values[Item : string] : string returning left
side of equation. Something I used in KOL but not sure if it can cope
with " quote char.
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