[Lazarus] Threads in Lazarus code base

ik idokan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 16:30:50 CEST 2010

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 15:34, Florian Klaempfl <florian at freepascal.org>wrote:

> Am 15.09.2010 15:26, schrieb ik:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 15:16, Florian Klaempfl <florian at freepascal.org
> > <mailto:florian at freepascal.org>> wrote:
> >
> >     Am 15.09.2010 13:56, schrieb Michael Schnell:
> >     > My impression is that regarding the OS-interface of a program that
> >     needs
> >     > the said features (multiple "logical threads", performance,
> latency,
> >     > making use of modern SMP systems, ...), threads are a necessity.
> But
> >     > programming languages might be able to in many cases hide the dirty
> >     > details from the programmer (e.g. "parallel" loops, see the Delphi
> >     Prism
> >     > and/or .NET documentation on these issues.) If FPC could be
> >     enhances tn
> >     > that direction it might be a decent improvement.
> >
> >     The parallel loop solves nothing which makes threading hard and is
> only
> >     a cheap excuse. The real problems of threading are synchronization
> and
> >     especially abording threads e.g. triggered by the main thread.
> >
> >
> > So how do you do multiple sub routines "at the same time", or some tasks
> > that will hang your system but you require it to function even when it
> > does the heavy work ?
> It depends on the application. But as I said before: aborting something
> like a parallel loop because the user pressed e.g. ESC isn't easy either.

Here is a real thing I've made using threads (and a thread pool). I would be
glad to know how to do it without it:
I have a PHP script that accept web service request. That's triggers a Ruby
(that version 1.8x and bellow uses green threads) daemon to start a call
into Asterisk PBX.

The thing is that I can have many requests at the same time. And I need to
answer each request up to 3 seconds worst case.
If I have more then one request per second, how would you do it without
threads or blocking the daemon in responding into additional requests "at
the same time" ?

> --
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