[Lazarus] Where is the cgi package on the trunk?

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sat Sep 25 21:42:13 CEST 2010

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Maxim Ganetsky <ganmax at narod.ru> wrote:
> 25.09.2010 2:48, Marcos Douglas пишет:
>> On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 6:11 PM, Maxim Ganetsky<ganmax at narod.ru>  wrote:
>>> 24.09.2010 23:43, Marcos Douglas пишет:
>>>> Where is the cgi package on the trunk?
>>>> I update the Lazarus from SVN at revision 27450. I use Windows with
>>>> TortoiseSVN.
>>>> The directory /components/cgi/ was marked with Warning icon because
>>>> the Makefile and Makefile.fpc and /ide/Makefile and /ide/Makefile.fpc
>>>> I pointed my browser to
>>>> http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk/components/cgi/  and not
>>>> found.
>>>> What's happend?
>>> It was removed as it was deprecated for a long time.
>> Ok... thanks.
>> But I wanted to understand why the Tortoise did not remove the /cgi
>> directory. I did not change any files in /cgi. Should be an error of
>> Tortoise?
> TortoiseSVN removed it, but Lazarus probably created a dummy package. You
> should remove this package from Lazarus and recompile IDE.

Now, Lazarus is working fine, but the Tortoise did not remove the /cgi
dir. I did, manually.


Marcos Douglas

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