[Lazarus] Lazarus and FPC versions for Ubuntu 10?

Reimar Grabowski reimgrab at web.de
Mon Sep 27 07:33:13 CEST 2010

On Sun, 26 Sep 2010 15:29:40 -0700
ABorka <fpc-devel at aborka.com> wrote:

I think it is easier to install FPC via apt if you just need one version:

-install fpc via apt
-get lazarus and fpc sources via svn
-use ~/your_lazarus_dir/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh to build fpc deb package
-install newly build package via dpkg
-build lazarus

-update fpc via svn
-use ~/your_lazarus_dir/tools/install/create_fpc_deb.sh to build fpc deb package
-install newly build package via dpkg
-build lazarus (from within lazarus)

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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