[Lazarus] UniqueInstance issue

Giuliano Colla giuliano.colla at fastwebnet.it
Sun Apr 3 13:44:36 CEST 2011

Giuliano Colla ha scritto:
> Luiz Americo Pereira Camara ha scritto:
>> On 2/4/2011 15:18, Giuliano Colla wrote:
>>> In an application I'm currently developing, meant to run under RHEL5, I
>>> needed to ensure that no multiple instances were running, so I 
>>> installed
>>> the UniqueInstance component:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lazarus-ccr/files/Unique%20Instance/Unique%20Instance%200.2/ 
>> please publish a sample project and a stacktrace
For sake of completeness, I tested with gtk1 in a different platform 
(but with same Lazarus and fpc versions). No difference.


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