[Lazarus] MDI implementation
Peter Williams
pewilliams2010 at live.com
Sun Apr 3 18:16:41 CEST 2011
Hi Daniel,
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 10:28:07 -0300
From: daniel.franzini at gmail.com
To: lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
Subject: Re: [Lazarus] MDI implementation
>Thank you, Peter.
>I already tried in Delphi and it works fine. I wanted to do this in Lazarus because I intended it to work in Linux too.
>But thanks anyway for the tip and the code.
I found that my Delphi code does not compile in Lazarus for MDI forms.
MultiDoc is the Lazarus version of MDI forms.
I installed it and ran the demo and found that when I have some child forms, when I close one of the forms I get an EAccess violation error (216) exception.
Does anyone know how we can get rid of this AV error ???
Note the component is dated 2007-01-06 and version 0.2.
Best Regards,Peter / pew
2011/4/2 Peter Williams <pewilliams2010 at live.com>
Hi Daniel,
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 19:02:46 -0300
From: daniel.franzini at gmail.com
To: lazarus at lists.lazarus.freepascal.org
Subject: [Lazarus] MDI implementation
Hi there.
I'm trying to write a MDI application in Lazarus (Win32/Vista, Lazarus 0.9.31).
I created the main form and set its FormStyle property to fsMDIForm. Then I created the child form and set its FormsStyle to fsMDIChild.
I also created a menu where I can start a new form. I moved the child form the non-automatic-created form list. And used the following code to create it:
procedure TfrmMain.mnuEntrarDadosClick(Sender: TObject);
var frmChild: TfrmRelatVend;
frmChild := TfrmRelatVend.Create(self);
I also wrote a formClose handler for the child so it gets freed when I close it.
procedure TfrmRelatVend.FormClose(Sender: TObject;
var CloseAction: TCloseAction);
CloseAction := caFree;
>Altough the form gets created and shows up, it does not have a MDI behavior, eg, it does not "stay" in the limits of its parent form and it gets maximized on top of its parent form.
>What am I doing wrong?
>thank you
I cannot tell you exactly what you're doing wrong, but I can do the next best thing.
I have a Simple_Ed (simple text editor) which supports unlimited MDI child text windows working.
You can find it here:
and the download for the Delphi 7 source code is here:
simple_ed_005_src.zip 19 KB - The Delphi source code files only
(Note that this has a main form and a child MDI form).
Best Regards,Peter / pew
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