[Lazarus] TImage and PNG (on linux)

Krzysztof dibo20 at wp.pl
Tue Apr 12 19:22:36 CEST 2011

This is known issue. GTK have no alpha yet but I created set of components
which partially solve this problem by using BGRABitmap class, details:
http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/topic,12411.0.html . Although
there is no TImage yet but I can try create it.
For TrayIcon on GTK you must rebuild lazarus with -dUseStatusIcon switch. If
tray still have no alpha then you must add this 3 lines posted by TrUsTeR:
After this tray icon works perfect in my case.

2011/4/10 Leonardo M. Ramé <l.rame at griensu.com>

> Hi, I was testing a sample project and found that on Windows, handling
> of PNGs with transparent backgrounds is working ok, but on Linux it
> doesn't work as expected. The image is a black line on the top of the
> image, with a Gaussian Blur applied on Photoshop, then saved to PNG with
> transparent background.
> I attached an image showing what I get on Windows vs Linux, also the
> original image.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Leonardo M. Ramé
> http://leonardorame.blogspot.com
> --
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