[Lazarus] TIFF images

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sat Apr 16 13:27:45 CEST 2011

On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 8:18 PM, leledumbo <leledumbo_cool at yahoo.co.id> wrote:
> AFAIK TTIFFImage (or something similar) is already supported in trunk.

The error was in this line:
    Image.Canvas.Brush.Color:= Panel2.Color;   // = clBtnFace;

The Panel2.Color was clDefault, not clBtnFace...
(Excuse my lack of attention)


BTW, I need a solution that works in Delphi 7 too.
The PicViwer project uses FreeImage[1] DLL and it works in Delphi and
Lazarus. I need to write/read TIFF images from SQLServer and show
My software already works with JPEG imagens (scanned or file) but it
will work with TIFF images too.

Now is Delphi 7. In the future will be converted to Lazarus.

[1] http://freeimage.sourceforge.net/

Marcos Douglas

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