[Lazarus] Terminal in Lazarus

Geoffray Levasseur jeff.levasseur at free.fr
Sun Apr 17 23:27:06 CEST 2011

Le samedi 16 avril 2011 21:59:36, Geoffray Levasseur a écrit :
> It seems to use a component called TCmdBox. [...]
This is finally not really appropriate in my case as it can't handle many 
console apps (like mc or ccmake and the last is very important for me).

> I just have to study this to integrate it correctly in my app.
I've studied and thinking about using VTE library as it seems easy to use 
(I've made the biggest with h2pas). The bad point is that VTE depends on GTK2 
and GLib. Ideally I would like a widget independent library... If someone know 
any other I'll take it or even no library at all (the less I have 
dependencies, the more I'll be happy).

The other option would be having VTE for GTK and a Qt equivalent for Qt. This 
is important in my case to have both Qt and GTK ready apps. This could be 
complicated and not very efficient so i'm not sure of that. 

My last idea, but this may be a big work is to rewrite something existing in 
Pascal (e.g. xterm, urwt, vte...). What do you think of the feasibility of 
Geoffray « fatalerrors » Levasseur
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