[Lazarus] For what {$IFDEF SYN_LAZARUS} in SynEdit?
Zaher Dirkey
parmaja at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 21:18:05 CEST 2011
On Fri, Apr 22, 2011 at 5:35 PM, Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de> wrote:
>> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19215
>> Please check this lines in SynTextDrawer
>> procedure TheFontStock.SetStyle(Value: TFontStyles);
>> // ASSERT(idx <= High(TheStockFontPatterns)); //Check this line
>> SY
>> Zaher Dirkey
> I will look at it in due course.
> In case... your clean up may be so you can add features later; and seeing
> you gone for TextDrawer first.
> If you want to add features around drawing, here are a few of my ideas (all
> without any idea when..., just distant ideas)
The real reason to choose TextDrawer it is simple to start, and i have
problem with my highlighter printing the text, my bug not catches yet.
> 1) Introduction of a TSynCanvas
> - More or less to wrap the TSynEdit.Handle
> - The class could be known by other classes in SynEdit (without circle
> references) and would be used for any Invalidate, invalidateLines,
> invalidateRect request.
> - Maybe also for painting, so painting is in an event, and the handle is
> passed in by the caller.
> Also painting is done from other classes, more below
> 2) Introduction of a TSynViewPort (or TsynEditViewPort)
> represents the textarea (as opposed to gutter).
> SynEdit takes care of the layout (eg Gutter AlLeft, ViewPort alClient...),
> and the classes are responsible for the painting, (using TsynCanvas, and the
> arguments to the paint event)
> TSynViewPort will also be responsible to store TopLine, LeftChar,
> LinesInWindow, CharsInWindow
> TSynViewPort would still use TextDrawer, but some stuff may move...
> ----
> Ideally this would even allow to have none LCL versions, like fpgui,
> msegui, or delphi... => but that is a long way
> You are af course invited to bring up your ideas too.
It is need more understand the SynEdit and more discusses, I also have some
feature like to have it in the SynEdit.
Zaher Dirkey
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