[Lazarus] clDefault propagation

Paul Ishenin webpirat at mail.ru
Wed Apr 27 00:10:12 CEST 2011

27.04.2011 5:16, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> In that case, why is the status bar at the top of the form grey and 
> the ones at the bottom black (as dictated by their grandparent)? 
> They're all set to clDefault and other relevant properties are the 
> same, so I'd expect them to look the same.
If the default color is not defined by the theme it inherits from the 
parent. Probably in your case you are using win32 widgetset which does 
not define paticular color for statusbar and as result it asks about 
default color from its parent.
> Looking at this from the point of view of sorting the problem rather 
> than understanding the behaviour, what colour should a status bar be 
> set to so that it adopts the colour of the main menu background?

Set it to clBtnFace.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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