[Lazarus] MessageDLG and localization Win/Linux

John Landmesser johnml at online.de
Fri Aug 12 13:40:14 CEST 2011


same lazarus app, compiled on Windows XP, german localization:

MessageDlg('Title', 'Text', mtInformation, [ mbCancel, mbYes, mbNo], 0);

You get buttons Captions 'Yes' and 'No' until you add:

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
      PODirectory, Lang, FallbackLang: String;

       PODirectory := 'C:\lazarus\lcl\languages\';
      //PODirectory := '/home/john1/lazarus/lcl/languages/';
      GetLanguageIDs(Lang, FallbackLang); // in unit gettext
      TranslateUnitResourceStrings('LCLStrConsts', PODirectory + 'lclstrconsts.%s.po', Lang, FallbackLang);
      MessageDlg('Title', 'Text', mtInformation, [ mbCancel, mbYes, mbNo], 0);


The same app compiled on my Debain Sid, i get 
buttons Captions 'Ja' and 'Nein' even if i comment out the code above.

Isn't there a easier way to handle this problem for Win XP? I got the above solution from lazarus wiki and i thought, how to solve this the Delphi way?  


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