[Lazarus] Google Chrome, Lazarus, and "Native Client SDK"

Michael Joyner mjoyner at vbservices.net
Sat Aug 13 00:28:31 CEST 2011

REF: Google Chrome, Lazarus,  and "Native Client SDK"

Osiyo Nigada! Hello Everyone!

I see here http://code.google.com/chrome/nativeclient/ that you can create
"native" coded apps for execution by the browser (ActiveX for Chrome

It says that "Native Client supports C and C++ (and will continue to add
more languages)"

Is this a target that Lazarus can be setup to target?

There is also this comment with this link:

"This project will be useful to you if, for example, you're writing a
compiler": http://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/nativeclient


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