[Lazarus] 'with' is evil, isn't it?

Max Vlasov max.vlasov at gmail.com
Fri Aug 5 12:11:13 CEST 2011

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 1:29 PM, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Am 05.08.2011 11:23, schrieb Luca Olivetti:
>  (though it was 20 years ago and I don't remember the exact syntax, I think
>> it was
>>   with a=some.structure,b=some.other.**structure do
>> instead of
>>   with a:=some.structure,b:=some.**other.structure
>> but my memory could be wrong).
> Well... if another Pascal dialect had it the changes might be higher that
> it gets integrated into FPC.
> So it might be useful to research the exact with syntax of Texas
> Instruments' Pascal.
> Regards,
> Sven

Luca shared an interesting fact, so I tried to find more information. He
probably meant UCSD Pascal, as I see this is a very interesting system,
mentioned also in the lazarus wiki (
http://wiki.freepascal.org/UCSD_Pascal). I downloaded the sources of
the system,  but I could not find the
examples of similar syntax inside many with statements... Maybe there are
other sources.

But during the research another interesting specie was found.  It's called
Sun Workshop Pascal Compiler


It supports (supported) standard pascal, with some extensions, that is made
to several language constructions including 'with'
So on the page


you can see the following example

    with new_patient: new, old_patient: old do begin
      new.LastName := 'Smith';
      new.FirstName := 'Abby';
      new.Sex := Female;
      old.LastName := 'Brown';
      old.FirstName := 'Henry';
      old.Sex := Male

Using ':' looks a little strange, but at least it worked and probably didn't
conflict with existing syntax.

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