[Lazarus] F1 for Help

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 15:54:04 CEST 2011

On 08/08/2011 03:36 PM, Leonardo M. Ramé wrote:
> Hi, in another tread I've read Graemme's mention of pressing F1 to see
> help using fpGUI DocView. Where can I find info about replacing the
> on-line help and browser to an off-line without browser method?.

DocView can be downloaded from SourceForge, in the fpGUI project. The
INF help files for RTL, FCL, LCL and fpGUI can also be downloaded from


The Docview version inside the fpGUI's repository has a lot of
improvements though, so I would recommend you rather compile a new
docview to take advantage of the new features and speed improvements.

Integration of Docview into Lazarus IDE is very simple Simply set it up
as an External Tools item. See attached image. Assign it the F1 keyboard

Bug in Lazarus:
Lazarus IDE doesn't detect shotcut conflicts between Environment Options
and External Tools items. So make sure F1 is not used in Environment
Options -> Key bindings.

DocView can take many variations in command line parameters. I simply
setup an environment variable BOOKSHELF, and let it point to a directory
that contains all *.INF help files. You can then launch DocView simply
with the filename (no extension needed) - this is shown in the attached

Examlpe under Linux:
  Add the following in your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file depending on
your distro:

   export BOOKSHELF=/opt/docs/inf/

DocView's accompanied help file explains all the remaining options and
features of Docview.

I really should put all this in a Wiki Page, or create a section on the
fpGUI website.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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