[Lazarus] GTK TlistView

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 17:39:32 CEST 2011

2011/8/11 Vincent Snijders <vincent.snijders at gmail.com>

> Can you test his with the current SVN version of Lazarus and create
> bug reports if it still causes crashes?

Codetools generics support is still broken. This is a note from Alexander S.
Klenin to issue #19931. I am lazy and don't want to write the same thing :

Issue 18373 and its duplicates are about a missing feature
(CoteTools does not know about members of specialized classes).

Issue 19741 and its duplicates, including this issue,
are about (more recent, and more serious) bug --
CodeTools fails to parse the code inside specializations,
even if the code itself has nothing to do with generics.
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