[Lazarus] Why I can't see my own messages in this list?

Rich Saunders saunders.richard.p at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 22:38:29 CEST 2011

On 8/14/11 4:26 PM, Curt Carpenter wrote:
> I just joined the mail list yesterday, and as I recall there was a 
> check-box when I set up my subscription that asked if I wanted the 
> list to send me copies of my own messages.  Could that, rather than 
> Gmail,  explain your problem?  (I'm new, so don't know).

Hi, Curt. Welcome!

No, that doesn't explain the problem because I've had that option turned 
on for all the lists I subscribe to. The problem only started when I 
switched from another email service to Gmail. Others have reported the same.

No, Gmail is messing with "normal" Internet operation. Sort of like when 
you type in a URL that does not exist and instead of receiving a 404 
error you instead get shunted to a "helpful" ISP-specific search page 
that includes lots of paid-for links. Not what is supposed to happen 
according to HTTP protocols but a money maker for the ISP!

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