[Lazarus] Change file Encode codepage?

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Thu Aug 18 21:55:42 CEST 2011

On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:19 PM, Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
> wrote:

> When the IDE opens a file it tries to guess what encoding it is. It
> then converts the file in memory to UTF-8.
> If you think the IDE guessed right and you
> want to convert the file to another encoding, use "Change File".
> If you think the IDE guessed wrong and it should open it with another
> encoding use the "Reopen".
> > 2 - When (Reopen with another encode) it is add strange chars in the
> first
> > line of the file, is that bug?.
> That's pretty normal if you open a file and use the wrong encoding
> to convert it to UTF-8.

Ah i see that is normal now.
But still there is problem when open the file have UTF8 with BOM, not when
use change the Encode, just normal open the file, it is add space(strange
char) at the first char + first line, in Hex view of file there is the
correct 3 BOM bytes, it is happned when i opened the file in Delphi UTF8+BOM
and then open it in Lazarus.
Would some one test it also before submit a bug(or search for it :) ).

I used Windows XP.


Zaher Dirkey
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