[Lazarus] Use barcode reader in windows mobile devices

Zaher Dirkey parmaja at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 23:43:15 CEST 2011

2011/8/23 "ArĂ­ Ricardo Ody" <aro52 at gmx.com>

> Hi!
> I'm developing a project to run under windows mobile 6.0 to be used in HP
> iPaq computers. I'd like to know if someone has used the barcode reader with
> lazarus in this kind of handheld computers and if there were some difficulty
> with.
> I know that under .NET applications the barcode reader has no problems,
> because I developed an application in C#.
> Greetings from Sao Paulo - Brazil
> Ricardo
Most of devices have application already installed to emulate keyboard, so
you not need any extra coding, just receive the KeyPress.
Or your device have special API functions you can call it, see the manual or
contact the support.

Best Regard
Zaher Dirkey
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