[Lazarus] Open File troubles.

Ludo Brands ludo.brands at free.fr
Fri Dec 16 13:54:30 CET 2011

Latest trunk on win32 has only the "Lazarus file (*.pas,*.pp, *.inc)" option
when opening a file. Drop down box has only one line.
Found that the problem is with filefilters.xml in the lazarus settings
directory. Deleting it brought back the old options. The contents of the
file was:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<CONFIG Count="7">
  <Filter01 Mask="*.lpi;*.lpr;*.lpk;*.pas;*.pp;*.inc;*.lfm;*.dfm"
Name="Lazarus file"/>
  <Filter02 Mask="*.pas;*.pp" Name="Lazarus unit"/>
  <Filter03 Mask="*.lpi" Name="Lazarus project"/>
  <Filter04 Mask="*.lfm;*.dfm" Name="Lazarus form"/>
  <Filter05 Mask="*.lpk" Name="Lazarus package"/>
  <Filter06 Mask="*.lpr" Name="Lazarus project source"/>
  <Filter07 Mask="" Name=""/>

No new filefilters.xml has been created so far.


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