[Lazarus] (no subject)

Justin Smyyth Delphian at smythconsulting.net
Wed Dec 28 23:04:04 CET 2011

I've come across something weird , when i   
 create a  daemon in lazarus and get it to create a thread , in that thread  

  if i create  handle using MessageHandle :=     
TWin32WidgetSet(WidgetSet).AllocateHWnd(@MyMessage) the on    
execute never gets  called. its like the thread just goes into pause    
once the allocateHWND gets  called. i've tried creating the handle oncreate  

  & onexecute same issue , i  never see any of the on execute.

here is the sample i am using.

i am wondering if this is a bug , i've    
listed a bug  report for this id - 0020979

if anyone has any ideas of a fix for this ( 
   if  possible) i would be extremly gratefull.

Kind Regards

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