[Lazarus] Cannot build current trunk - codetools

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Sat Dec 3 19:38:23 CET 2011

On 03/12/2011 17:46, Frank Church wrote:
> I don't know how welcome or apt this comment may be as it appears to a 
> contentious issue, but it has been on my mind for some time.
> Every now and then I see a message about trunk not compiling or some 
> the feature being broken.
> I thought one of the reasons for proposing a change to Git or some 
> other distributed VCS is that you do all your work in your local 
> branch, merge with HEAD frequently and you only push your changes to 
> the main repository if everything works properly.
How would that help?
I guess Mattias was using a newer FPC (2.5 or 2.7), so compilation 
worked for him, and he would have pushed.

I had that issue myself a few times (either FPC version or some local 
$DEFINE  / bgt it may also be caused by platform differences or a 
installed package).

To solve this each devel would have to compile (and test) the entire IDE 
with a variety of settings/FPC ...

> It is understood that features may get broken as it they are hard to 
> test, but shouldn't compilation succeed? This suggests work is being 
> 'saved' to the repository which shouldn't be the case.
> I am not proposing a change to git or other if core developers are 
> content with Subversion, I'd just want to know if it is a reflection 
> of working practices which may or may not be influenced by the choice 
> of VCS and methodologies surrounding its usage.

I don't think it is a big issue, thinks get usually fixed very quickly.

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