[Lazarus] Compile LazDBExportPkg

Vincent Snijders vincent.snijders at gmail.com
Sun Dec 4 21:35:58 CET 2011

2011/12/3 Tom Russell <tsrdatatech at gmail.com>:
> I have been trying to install the lazdbexport pkg on OSX and it will
> not compile for nothing.
> My Error is:
> /Developer/lazarus/components/dbexport/fpdataexporter.pp(1,1) Fatal:
> Can't find unit fpdbexport used by fpdataexporter
> The odd part is if I right click on fpdbexport in the fpdataexporter
> unit and select find declaration it goes right that unit no problem so
> I don't understand how the compiler cannot find it? I check and it
> appears the path is in my search path?

For browsing the source, you don't need the compiled units. To compile
fpdataexporter you need fpdbexport.ppu. I guess fpdbexport is not
compiled on Mac OS X. I don't know why, better ask the fpc team.


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