[Lazarus] Trying to troubleshoot error

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 5 20:07:06 CET 2011

Am 05.12.2011 19:27, schrieb Chris Kelling:
> I'm trying to read from a file and populate a stringgrid, and keep
> getting 'Project spares.exe raised an exception class 'External error:
> SIGSEGV' when trying to convert an integer to string. Running the
> application gets the dialog: Access Violation Press OK to ignore and
> risk data corruption or cancel to kill the program. Clicking OK brings
> the grid up with the header row populated, and the first field in the
> first non-fixed row (Cells[0,1]) with the proper value, but the rest of
> the table is blank. I put a try...finally block in and now the IDE
> breaks at the read statement. Any suggestions? The code snippet follows.

First guess:
You need to set the number of rows and columns in the grid. It does not 
auto expand.


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