[Lazarus] Petition to Skype

Howard Page-Clark hdpc at talktalk.net
Tue Dec 6 00:49:08 CET 2011

On 05/12/11 8:14, Krzysztof wrote:

> I am wondering... maybe create some online petition to Skype?
> Corrections are welcome (my English is not good).

I don't know if there is merit in such a submission. But if so, my
suggestions for slightly improved phrasing are as follows:

"This petition is submitted to the Skypekit developers from a community 
of Free Pascal and Lazarus users.
Free Pascal shares an aim of the Skype(kit) project - to run on as many 
platforms as possible.
This professional open source compiler is currently available for 32-bit 
and 64-bit processors such as Intel x86, AMD64/x86_64, PowerPC, 
PowerPC64, Sparc and ARM, and supported operating systems include Linux, 
FreeBSD, Haiku, Mac OS x/Darwin, Win32, Win64, WinCE, OS/2, Netware 
(libc and classic), MorphOS, Amiga and Symbian. The Lazarus IDE adds 
support for interfaces including the Windows API, GTK, QT, Cocoa, Carbon 
and Android.
We are disappointed that such a rich and continuously developing 
environment has been omitted from Skypekit project development, and 
write to ask for support for Free Pascal to be considered and included 
in future.
We believe that Free Pascal developers would extend and enhance Skype 
services, just as C++, Python and Java developers are doing.

Yours sincerely,
the Free Pascal and Lazarus community"

BTW, does FPC/Lazarus currently run under OS/2?


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