[Lazarus] about TDFB

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 13:29:37 CET 2011

 8 December 2011 14:19, Vincent Snijders <> wrote:
> I wonder: why base64 encode the image in the first place? I thought it
> was to make plain ascii, suitable for a text field.
> Then I don't understand how you can keep it plain ascii (no null
> characters, for example), if you gzip it.

Well spotted Vincent. The order must be the other way round. gzip
first, then base64 encode it, before storing in a text field in DB.
The same process gets done when we transmit binary data via XML over
HTTP in our multi-tier setup.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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