[Lazarus] @DBLookupControls users: call for test
Marcos Douglas
md at delfire.net
Mon Dec 12 19:11:49 CET 2011
On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Marcos Douglas <md at delfire.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 2:16 PM, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara
> <luizmed at oi.com.br> wrote:
>> On 12/12/2011 14:25, Marcos Douglas wrote:
>>> I think I wrote better in bug tracker:
>>> 1. Define properties AutoComplete and AutoDropDown to True;
>>> 2. Type a new value (the DropDown will open) that not exists in DataSet (list);
>>> 3. If you type ENTER the combo will clear, because no value on list
>>> was found (OK);
>>> 4. Repeat 0000002. Now if you type [Down] to select a item (use the
>>> keyboard and don't type ENTER), but after type a new value that not
>>> exists in DataSet list and ENTER. The ComboBox is not cleaned.
>>> Attention in:
>>> + AutoComplete and AutroDropDown;
>>> + Item #4: When the dropdown open, just click down (selecting a item)
>>> but don't close it; after, type something that do not exists in list
>>> and press ENTER. You see the Text typed still there.
>> Still cannot reproduce.
>> Can you create a sample project and add to the bugtracker?
> Yes, I will... later.
Well, the componente do not clean[1] itself (sorry about that) but the
bug still exists, but otherwise.
[1] I had a EditingDoneEvent like this:
procedure TFooHelper.ComboEditingDoneCallback(Sender: TObject);
cbx: TDBLookupComboBox;
if Sender is TDBLookupComboBox then
cbx := TDBLookupComboBox(Sender);
if VarIsNull(cbx.KeyValue) then
cbx.Text := '';
Well, I took your exemple here http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=20841
Please, copy paste the code below:
object DBLookupComboBox3: TDBLookupComboBox
Left = 96
Height = 21
Top = 416
Width = 179
AutoComplete = True
AutoDropDown = True
DataField = 'MasterId'
DataSource = LookupDatasource
KeyField = 'Id'
ListField = 'NAME'
ListFieldIndex = 0
ListSource = MasterDatasource
LookupCache = False
TabOrder = 6
Implements the EditingDoneEvent like this:
procedure TFooHelper.DBLookupComboBox3EditingDone(Sender: TObject);
cbx: TDBLookupComboBox;
cbx := TDBLookupComboBox(Sender);
ShowMessage(VarToStr(cbx.KeyValue)); ///<<<<<<<<< see here
So, even the component do not clean itself, if I type a value that not
exists in list the KeyValue would be NULL, don't?
Marcos Douglas
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