[Lazarus] Changing the type of debug info

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Dec 14 03:19:42 CET 2011

On 14/12/2011 01:14, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
> does lazarus takes some especific advantage changing the type of debug 
> info? (project options > compiler options > linking)

yes, but only for a few things.

Before changing it, ensure your gdb can deal with it. Normally that is 
the cases
- On Mac, not sure as apple still distributes 6.3.50
- win 64 before fpc 2.6 , dwarf may not work

when choosing dwarf, always use "+ sets" (unless maybe again your gdb is 
real old, I have used it with gdb 6.7.5 all ok)

dwarf 3 is experimental and works LESS well than dwarf (2) => unless you 
have a specially patched gdb (archer branch).
(Though I did not test the archer gdb, no idea, if it is good)

biggest diff is

with dwarf you  can inspect certain properties. that is ONLY properties 
that directly map to  a field.
Neither stabs, nor any dwarf will call a getter function.

stabs deals better with
- nested (dynamic) array
- param-by-ref  "function foo( var RefParam: TBar)"

however Laz 0.9.31 deals with most of this.

there may be a few other diffs. I have no complete list

some fpc (or maybe the linker) had bugs, leaving out line info for parts 
of try except. But I do not recall the exact details

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