[Lazarus] Changing the type of debug info

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Wed Dec 14 15:27:32 CET 2011

On 14/12/2011 14:11, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
> I´ll gonna test stabs for a while as i´m using /Lazarus 0.9.31 r32454 
> FPC 2.5.1 i386-win32-win32/win64/. I´ve worryed with FPC version, but, 
> as you said, dwarf may not work on 64Bits versions...

with 2.5.1 dwarf should be fine for 64 bit (though my tests with 64 bit 
are rather sporadic)

if you have specific problems please report
also see

> Thanks for information...
> ________________________________
> William de Oliveira Ferreira
> Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação
> 2011/12/14 Martin <lazarus at mfriebe.de <mailto:lazarus at mfriebe.de>>
>     On 14/12/2011 01:14, William Oliveira Ferreira wrote:
>>     does lazarus takes some especific advantage changing the type of
>>     debug info? (project options > compiler options > linking)
>     yes, but only for a few things.
>     Before changing it, ensure your gdb can deal with it. Normally
>     that is the cases
>     - On Mac, not sure as apple still distributes 6.3.50
>     - win 64 before fpc 2.6 , dwarf may not work
>     when choosing dwarf, always use "+ sets" (unless maybe again your
>     gdb is real old, I have used it with gdb 6.7.5 all ok)
>     dwarf 3 is experimental and works LESS well than dwarf (2) =>
>     unless you have a specially patched gdb (archer branch).
>     (Though I did not test the archer gdb, no idea, if it is good)
>     ----------------
>     biggest diff is
>     with dwarf you  can inspect certain properties. that is ONLY
>     properties that directly map to  a field.
>     Neither stabs, nor any dwarf will call a getter function.
>     stabs deals better with
>     - nested (dynamic) array
>     - param-by-ref  "function foo( var RefParam: TBar)"
>     however Laz 0.9.31 deals with most of this.
>     there may be a few other diffs. I have no complete list
>     some fpc (or maybe the linker) had bugs, leaving out line info for
>     parts of try except. But I do not recall the exact details
>     --
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