[Lazarus] TodoList and AnchorDocking 0.6

William Oliveira Ferreira bdexterholland at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 12:43:33 CET 2011

i didn´t know about that report. Well, as you said, it heappens when you
make it tabbed, but when you tab it into the message window and restart
lazarus, it comes again, but out of the tab, as another panel...
William de Oliveira Ferreira
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação

2011/12/16 Bernd <prof7bit at googlemail.com>

> 2011/12/14 William Oliveira Ferreira <bdexterholland at gmail.com>:
> >
> > no, it isn´t but it shoud be anchored on my window, as in this link:
> > http://imagebin.org/188540 ...
> from this screenshot it seems you are docking it to a tab. I would
> then expect the following bug to occur:
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=19714
> It seems the code to save tabbed layouts is buggy (or doesn't even
> exist yet), the saved layout xml file will not contain any mentioning
> of any tab-docked forms).
> Bernd
> --
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