[Lazarus] [patch] Debugger: CPU registers: resetting display formats on every restart of the application

Martin lazarus at mfriebe.de
Tue Dec 20 14:40:16 CET 2011

On 20/12/2011 13:20, Bernd wrote:
> 2011/12/19 Martin<lazarus at mfriebe.de>:
>> which makes me feel guilty not to have used it as is.
>> But the mail you wrote made me see an alternative that I have implemented
>> now (please test, r 34294)
> No problem. It works, thanks for implementig it.
> I almost expected you to rewrite it, I have also looked into putting
> this somewhere higher into the inheritance and make it more general
> but then decided to keep the impact small and not move too much stuff
> around since I know you have a much better overview over the workings
> of the debugger and probably already have precise ideas in mind how
> the architecture of all this should ideally look like.

Well after your first patch I was ready to go with a solution like 
yours, because I thought putting it higher up would take more time. 
(except the array had to be a list class, but that is trivial).
Only when I saw your 2nd patch I realized there was an easy way.

In any case respect to how far you dug into the code. I remember my 
first encounters...

Eventually registers need a rewrite to use the new Monitor/Provider 
structure that watches use now. Then they can have history/snapshots...

But with having the format in a list-class now, it will be able to add 
load/save to xml (as watches have) and save them with the project.

Though I do not plan that for now, I can help you if you are interested 
( I will be away the next 8 days though)

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