[Lazarus] RE : Error compiling trunk version 34361 on win64
Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl.lazarus at telemetry.co.uk
Fri Dec 23 12:11:11 CET 2011
Sven Barth wrote:
> So you have specific problems with compiling a recent 2.7.1 on SPARC?
> Then I would suggest you to ask on fpc-pascal or fpc-devel list whether
> someone else (including me) knows what your problem is. Maybe I should
> also take the time over the holidays to set up a small test system on
> QEMU ^^
I can assure you that I have every intention of doing so :-)
[NOT expecting discussion here, but in brief I've got 2.4.4 working here
on SPARC Solaris 8 and 10. Ludo got Lazarus working on x86 Solaris 10
and I followed his lead for SPARC. 2.7.1 on SPARC Solaris 8 and 10
worked a few weeks ago but something's broken since I was last able to
put time into it. 2.7.1 OK on SPARC Linux but 2.4.4 not OK due to
(now-fixed) CG issues, this caused problems at one point when 2.7.1
wouldn't compile with the slightly older version on my system).]
Currently tied up with server maintenance. Happy Midwinter Solstice
Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk
[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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