[Lazarus] CGILazIDE cannot be found...

Bo Berglund bo.berglund at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 07:09:00 CET 2011

On Tue, 01 Feb 2011 19:37:48 -0500, waldo kitty
<wkitty42 at windstream.net> wrote:

>> In principle you are right that there is a step missing (and thanks for pointing
>> out), but I don't consider Bo a complete newbie as he's already worked with
>> Delphi before and he's also managed to follow my instructions with a bit of
>> freedom (e.g. "requirement" <> "dependeny") as his mail proves. :D
>you are correct, bo is moving right along and making it work... and i also want 
>to thank you for taking my post as it was intended :)

I am not used to Lazarus/FPC and I also have trouble some times to
find relevant information on the web. So I come here for advice.
I must say that this group is very good in supplying the relevant
solutions most of the time! :-)
And given some hints I usually could go in the right direction.

So thank you all who contribute to help a lazarus newbie get going!
I hope I am not overusing the group, though....

Bo Berglund

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