[Lazarus] TUTF8Parser.HandleString; error

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Thu Feb 3 19:47:52 CET 2011

On Thu, 03 Feb 2011 19:15:13 +0100
Eduard Filipas <eduard.filipas at volja.net> wrote:

> hi Matias i'm haveing problem i cant recompile lazarus with a FPC 2.4.2..
> same problem happened when i tried to use FPC 2.4.2 with lazarus .28

Lazarus 28 was for 2.2.4.

> I would like to start using Lazarus but now i dont know where to start..
> the downloaded version of lazarus that comes with FPC 2.2.4
> i tried to alter it to FPC 2.4.2
> there are some database issues in previus versions so i tried to update FPC
> when i change dir paths of enviroment to newest FPC theres all this 
> nagging from ide that path is not correct and that files cannot be found 
> but they are there..basicaly i just installed FPC 2.4.2 to 
> C:\lazarus\fpc\2.4.2 and change paths from 2.2.4 to 2.4.2
> compile starts but then lcl is giveing me problems..
> it compiles fine with 2.2.4.

Have you tried to install the daily snapshot?


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