[Lazarus] Error when compile LCL for WinCE/ARM

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Feb 6 14:10:55 CET 2011


Zaher Dirkey <parmaja at gmail.com> hat am 6. Februar 2011 um 12:51 geschrieben:

> I have this error when compile lcl for wince, i used last svn #29402
> -------------
> Compiling registerlcl.pas
> Fatal: Can't find unit LazarusPackageIntf used by RegisterLCL
> Fatal: Compilation aborted
> make[1]: *** [alllclunits.ppu] Error 1
> -------------
> the command line for compile is

make clean packager/registration lcl LCL_PLATFORM=wince CPU_TARGET=arm

Or use the IDE or lazbuild to compile your project. It will automatically
compile the LCL if needed.

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