[Lazarus] New Spreadsheet interface component available for Excel and OO Calc

faber faber.cpu at gmail.com
Thu Feb 10 09:46:45 CET 2011

2011/2/9 <tcoq at free.fr>

> Selon faber <faber.cpu at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> thanks for you trying the software. I have a warning on GetItem, which is
> hiding
> an ancester method.
> N° of rows and columns not yet implemented. I could have them next
> week-end.
> My usual practice is to loop on the cells in a given row or column until a
> condition is met, for example 'end' in the cell value, or '' empty.
Some remarks.
There is something wrong with TWorkBook.Close. When I have
DisplayAlerts=TRUE then it always ask "File FALSE.xlsx already exists.
overwrite it ?". Maybe it should have DISPID_CLOSE instead of DISPID_SAVEAS.

What should look like the correct procedure for closing Excel without save
file ?
I use:

  ExcelWb.Close(false);   // Close with DISPID_CLOSE

and Excel process still exists untl I close my app.
With DISPID_CLOSE I see that the process releases some memory (probably
correctly closes sheet) but the process still exists (hangs?).

I found some workaround for RowCount in TSheet.GetLastRowFilledIn

best regards
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