[Lazarus] SdpoSerial Tx and Rx buffers?

waldo kitty wkitty42 at windstream.net
Mon Feb 14 19:00:36 CET 2011

On 2/14/2011 11:32, Bo Berglund wrote:
> AFAICT SdpoSerial is a wrapper for the Synaser blocking serial
> component to make it more "user friendly" by providing receive events
> when data arrive.
> And my question is really about the existence of buffers and in that
> case how to adjust them?

i don't know if this makes any difference but i'm trudging thru the synapse 
library attempting to work with its mime coding stuff... in my travels thru the 
documentation i note that synapse is synchronous instead of asynchronous (see: 
http://www.ararat.cz/synapse/doku.php/about )... the third and fourth paragraphs 
are important...

since the synapse library has synaser as one of its sub(?)libraries, i assume 
that we're talking about the same library...

the reason i mention the above is because i'm not sure how it might affect what 
you are attempting to do and if buffers are really needed... it has been a while 
since i did any comm coding which, at that time, was done directly to the com 
port or via a FOSSIL driver (which greatly alleviated and abstracted much)...

i hope this helps in some small way...

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