[Lazarus] Does Lazarus support a complete Unicode Component Library?

Graeme Geldenhuys graemeg.lists at gmail.com
Wed Feb 16 08:15:44 CET 2011

Op 2011-02-15 16:32, Hans-Peter Diettrich het geskryf:
> You realize the problems, that may result from the different char type
> of such an target-specific string type?

Please do share your thoughts...

I must add, that I would be very surprised if Embarcadero doesn't use
native encoded string types for the "unicode string" support in the
upcoming Delphi under Windows (UTF-16), Linux (UTF-8), Mac (UTF-8) etc..
I'm not 100% sure about the default Mac encoding, but seeing that it
comes from FreeBSD, I would guess UTF-8 there too.

As for saving text to file...It is universally known to use UTF-8 in
such cases, because UTF-8 is the perfect encoding for streaming. Hence
the W3C also said all HTML, XML etc should be preferably in UTF-8.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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