[Lazarus] Testing 0.9.29

Hans-Peter Diettrich DrDiettrich1 at aol.com
Sat Feb 19 16:27:30 CET 2011

Bo Berglund schrieb:

> Now tested and found a minor bug in TLabel:
> 1. Put label on form
> 2. Set Alignment=taRightJustify and Autosize=true
> 3. Enter text and observe that the label is still anchored on its
> *left* hand side (expands to the right).

The properties "Align" and "Alignment" serve different purposes.

> In Delphi labels that have taRightJustify will automatically
> expand/contract on the left side so the right edge is fixed.

This IMO can be achived by Align=alRight. Automatic dependencies between 
Align and Alignment may cause other trouble, so that I'd leave it to the 
human designer to set both independently. (numbers, RTL/LTR reading...)

Lazarus offers more sophisticated anchoring than Delphi does.

> Very handy if the label is a descriptor for another visual control and
> can hold varying sized text (different languages for example).

There exist more issues, e.g. right aligned text may be truncated at the 
right, when the Width is too small. This may be proprietary to Windows 
widgets (listview...), though.


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