[Lazarus] Testing 0.9.29

Mattias Gaertner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Sun Feb 20 10:33:29 CET 2011

On Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:58:36 +0100
Hans-Peter Diettrich <DrDiettrich1 at aol.com> wrote:

> Mattias Gaertner schrieb:
> >>> Does the VCL automatically change the Anchors?
> >> tested with turbo delphi.
> >>
> >> No the anchor is not changed.
> >> but the behaviour is consistent.
> >>
> >> The Anchors are not used if size changes from autosize
> > 
> > If the VCL AutoSize ignores parts of the other layout settings then for
> > me this sounds "inconsistent".
> IMO LCL AutoSize tries to be too clever. In fact an "inner" resize, 
> required to e.g. adjust the required width of an label, should be 
> separated from an "outer" resize/realign, forced by a resize of the 
> container.

That would contradict the rule that AutoSize:=true adapts to the
bounding box of the children.

> Extensions like AnchorSides and ChildSizing may look nice, but should be 
> added only when really needed. Otherwise they can adversely affect 
> requirements of specialized controls or containers. When a (text) 
> Alignment has to be taken into account, this cannot be implemented in a 
> common (TWinControl) class, because not all controls have such a 
> property, in fact every control class can have its own properties that 
> should steer their size and placement. When such an DoAutoSize method is 
> virtual, every overridden implementation can add whatever additional 
> layout information is required.

DoAutoSize is virtual.

> In the most useful model every control would have its own (configurable) 
> layout manager, selectable from an (extensible) number of predefined 
> layouts. In fact the DockManager already *is* such an *installable* 
> layout manager...

A TDockmanager is somewhat more.
But I think a TLCLLayoutManager could be done similar to this. Maybe
TDockManager should be made a descendant of a TLCLLayoutManager.

> I wonder how one can implement installable DockManagers, and at the same 
> time insists in non-installable layout managers :-(
> > Cross platform forms require a consistent layout engine.
> The form layout is always under control of the application, not affected 
> by the target at all.
> When you mean an consistent adjustment, required for changed language or 
> theme, then I agree. But multiple themes are not a matter of platforms, 
> and have to be handled by Delphi for Windows as well.

I hope so.


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