[Lazarus] Causing bluescreen on windows by move() procedure

Sergei Gorelkin sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru
Sat Feb 26 16:49:45 CET 2011

Bo Berglund пишет:
> On Sat, 26 Feb 2011 18:26:33 +0300, Sergei Gorelkin
> <sergei_gorelkin at mail.ru> wrote:
>> Bo Berglund wrote:
>>> So it could be the Prolific USB-to-Serial driver then maybe?
>>> For example if the port is opened at one baudrate bu the source sends
>>> a lot of data at a much lower baudrate?
>> It is hard to guess, but the blue screen itself typically provides the information about the
>> nature of fault and the driver which caused it, if any.
>> If you go further and enable creation of memory dump via control panel, that dump is usually 
>> sufficient to track the problem to its roots.
> At the time the bluescreen text said it created a dump and log, I
> think. But I have no idea where such would be located...
Don't know exactly about Windows 7, but in XP a full dump (memory.dmp) would be located in the 
Windows directory, and minidumps are written to 'minidump' subdirectory. The information can also be 
found in event log ('Windows was restored after critcal error ...')


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