[Lazarus] Portable way to get accurate timestamps?

Paulo Costa paco at fe.up.pt
Sun Feb 27 01:22:38 CET 2011

On 26/02/2011 18:43, Marco van de Voort wrote:
> (1) this discussion is about a gettickcount implementation, but I'm not
> entirely sure why this is needed so badly.

When you are doing something soft real time it is a must.
Things like:
   - Is my image processing algorithms under the 40ms allowed time 
frame. (If you need feedback at 25Hz to control your robot :)
   - Is the rigid body simulation step taking too much time, or is the 
drawing stuff. What is the cost of adding more bodies to the simulation? 
(I'm clicking "add" and I'm seeing how much the time increases)
   - ...

Essentially, when you have to know how much time you are paying for a 
specific task in the middle of many others.

> (2) embedded (like uclibc) issues shouldn't be underestimated.

Some time you need more muscle than what is typically available on those 

Paulo Costa

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