[Lazarus] Does Lazarus support a complete Unicode Component Library?

Juha Manninen juha.manninen62 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 15:25:49 CET 2011

> It is the same as the new Delphi unicode support, I think. All GUI
> components support unicode out of the box, it uses UTF8 encoded
> strings.
> AFAIK Delphi uses UTF16, so in that way it is different.

I must ask a newbie question again. I never needed to pay attention to this
because char encodings in GUIs have worked well for my purposes.

The GUI text properties have type "string" which is ansistring with the
normal H+ setting.
TCaption is defined as "string", too.
Examples: TEdit.Text, TMemo.Lines[0]
What happens when I do:
  var s: string;
  s := TMemo.Lines[0];

Is it converted somehow?
The native widget's encoding is either UTF-8 or UTF-16.
Is the string actually a Utf8String or Utf16String then?
When do I need to pay attention to it?

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