[Lazarus] from hfiandor abouit TDBF
Hector Fiandor
hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu
Mon Jan 3 04:54:51 CET 2011
dear fellows:
i am working with the Tdfb component with a lot of inexperience.
i have prepared an application to modify the fields def. and index def of a
previus table with some information.
i have defined the new set of fields and indexes of the new table and i want
to copy the information from the previus one to the new one.
i try tu use de copyform procedure described by the Manual but i have some
trouble with this.
the command is tDestino.CopyFrom(tOrigen,ficheroDestino,false,7);
where tDestino is the name of the new Tdbf component and tOrigin is the
previus name of the origin component.
the trouble is that when compile then create many new files.
i will appreciate any suggestion.
thanks in advance,
Ing. Héctor F. Fiandor Rosario
hfiandor at infomed.sld.cu
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